How to get more PR!

Every start up knows that PR is one of the most important things you can do for your business. With ton’s of new businesses starting every month, you need to do everything you can for your business. Here is a small list of somethings that your small start up can do to build your PR. PR-button

  1. Take your blogging seriously! Journalist look at blogs for new and trending stories to write about
  2. Don’t be generic. Blasting an email that has no personalization is sure to end up in the trash can, personalize the email to each journalist to increase the open rate.
  3. Don’t be fake. Be real, faking a news story for PR will surely backfire into a PR nightmare
  4. Find the Right Journalist, this goes along with being generic. If you are company that sells hammocks don’t email medical device journalist.

A couple magazines that give you great ideas about PR are Entrepreneur and Forbes. These magazines are filled with journalist that cover small business ideas as well as what the large companies are doing.


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